GPUOpen-Tools / compressonator

Tool suite for Texture and 3D Model Compression, Optimization and Analysis using CPUs, GPUs and APUs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mac version not compiling

Silveryard opened this issue · comments


I tried building Compressonator on MacOS because there is no prebuilt version in the releases. The build is currently failing with the following error:

/Users/sebastianbischlager/Tools/Compressonator/applications/_plugins/cimage/ktx/./lib/ktx.h:148:10: warning: non-portable path to file '"khr/khrplatform.h"'; specified path differs in case from file name on disk [-Wnonportable-include-path]
#include "KHR/khrplatform.h"
/Users/sebastianbischlager/Tools/Compressonator/applications/_plugins/cimage/ktx/./lib/ktx.h:165:16: fatal error: 'GL/glcorearb.h' file not found
      #include <GL/glcorearb.h>

MacOS version: 13.4.1
cmake command: cmake -DOPTION_ENABLE_ALL_APPS=OFF -DOPTION_BUILD_APPS_CMP_CLI=ON and were executed before building.

We don't currently target or test MacOS builds, so there are likely many build errors like mentioned in this issue and related issues: #168, #167, and #171