GENIVI / rvi_core

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rebar compile error

jeremiah opened this issue · comments


I'm trying to build rvi_core from source. I get this error;

./rebar compile
==> lager (compile)
==> src (compile)
==> exo (compile)
==> edown (compile)
/home/jeremiah/rvi-core-0.4.0/deps/edown/src/edown_doclet.erl:116: field packages undefined in record doclet_gen
/home/jeremiah/rvi-core-0.4.0/deps/edown/src/edown_doclet.erl:118: field filemap undefined in record doclet_gen
ERROR: compile failed while processing /home/jeremiah/rvi-core-0.4.0/deps/edown: rebar_abort
Makefile:43: recipe for target 'compile' failed
make: *** [compile] Error 1

Here's some debugging info;

DEBUG: Worker compilation failed: [{error,
[["/home/jeremiah/rvi-core-0.4.0/deps/edown/src/edown_doclet.erl:116: field packages undefined in record doclet_gen\n",
"/home/jeremiah/rvi-core-0.4.0/deps/edown/src/edown_doclet.erl:118: field filemap undefined in record doclet_gen\n"]],

Which erlang version are you using when building?
Also - Trying to reach you on IRC.

This error occurs if you try to build rvi_core with OTP 18.

The current version of rvi_core is tested on R16B03-1.

If you absolutely want to build rvi_core with OTP 18, you may be successful doing the following:

$ cd ..../rvi_core
$ rm -rf deps/edown
$ rebar get-deps
$ make

(... but no promises. It should at least fix the edown issue.)

Our intention is to move to OTP 18 in rvi_core 0.5.0.

What is OTP? If I know what it is I can look for it in the Debian / Ubuntu archives. Otherwise I may wait for 0.5.0.

OTP = Open Telecom Platform (yeah, I know), is the Erlang middleware - what you find on

I believe it would correspond to something linke erlang_*_all.deb

This seems to be a complete Erlang 18.1 package:

The version in the Jessie version seems to be 17.3.

Otherwise, should offer the most complete list of tested Erlang versions (and commercially supported, if that matters to you).

Thanks very much Ulf, this is helpful. (Jag tror att jag faktiskt kikade på OTP när jag jobbade för Ericsson i 2008. :)