GEM-benchmark / NL-Augmenter

NL-Augmenter 🦎 → 🐍 A Collaborative Repository of Natural Language Transformations

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error when evaluating TEXT_TO_TEXT_GENRATION

zijwang opened this issue · comments

When running python -t ButterFingersPerturbation -task "TEXT_TO_TEXT_GENERATION" -p 1, there will be error of

Here is the performance of the model on the transformed set
Length of Evaluation dataset is 226
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 67, in <module>
  File "./NL-Augmenter/evaluation/", line 41, in evaluate
  File "./NL-Augmenter/evaluation/", line 115, in execute_model
  File "./NL-Augmenter/evaluation/", line 44, in evaluate
    dataset, summarization_pipeline, transformation=operation
  File "./NL-Augmenter/evaluation/", line 70, in transformation_performance
    pt_dataset, summarization_pipeline
  File "./NL-Augmenter/evaluation/", line 81, in performance_on_dataset
    article, gold_summary = example
  File "./NL-Augmenter/", line 301, in <genexpr>
    yield (datapoint[field] for field in self.fields)
TypeError: string indices must be integers

Thanks for pointing this out!

It should be fixed in this PR #92. The bug was basically caused by this line. When applying SentenceOperation, the returned value should be a list of datapoint (though the length is only 1).

Feel free to comment if there're any other issues.