GCuser99 / SeleniumVBA

A comprehensive Selenium wrapper for browser automation developed for MS Office VBA running in Windows

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Firefox Browser Support?

GCuser99 opened this issue · comments


Be interested to hear if there is anyone out there that thinks this is important... Edge and Chrome are easy because they are so similar - Firefox might add complication so need to hear from users...

  • Firefox needs to run on port 4444, which presents no problem with current code.
  • FireFox seems significantly slower than Chrome and Edge - could necessitate modifying default wait value.
  • Firefox responds with an error on command Shutdown - this can be alleviated if we just kill the driver with taskkill instead.
  • If the vba script execution is halted before Shutdown, then cannot StartFirefox again before killing driver first (gets message "session already started").

The above need fixing before further testing can proceed...


Other problems/differences between Firefox and Chrome/Edge:

  • Action chains with wheel actions are not supported, so would have to make special accommodations
  • Logging mechanism(s) are different
  • Aria role and label properties are not supported
  • The way to set download prefs in capabilities is different

Solving above issues are all manageable (but messy), if the need is there...


Another potential issue:

  • Driver/Browser version alignment rules are different than for Chrome/Edge. WebDriverManager would have to be refactored.

For Driver/Browser compatibility, would need to incorporate this table:

And for windows 64 driver download:


see discussion here