G2-Games / sixaxis-pair_rs

A tool to view and set SixAxis bluetooth pairing MAC addresses

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dualshock 3 not detected

Invictaz opened this issue · comments

It is detected by the old sixaxispairtool which users libusb.
So I don't know why it doesn't work in your software.
Windows 11 64 bit.

Maybe a special driver is needed?



Even with the official drivers from Sony it doesn't work
See https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/2854-sce-wireless-controller-driver-v3000-official-drivers-for-dualshock-3/



I think this is happening because the controller is using either LibUSB or a USB HID driver, while generic device access requires WinUSB. I don't have enough windows experience to be able to fix this, but a solution may be to use a tool like Zadig to switch the driver to WinUSB from whatever it is at the moment.

It's weird that with SixaxisPairtool libusb is required and with yours another driver.

The official Sony driver should however work with no questions.

On your request I tried with Winusb. It does work then.
Continuously switching drivers (with Zadig taking upto 5 mins per switch) is quite impractical.




Due to how this program works that is the only solution. I do not have time to dedicate to improving this at the moment, it is uploaded in the hope it will be useful. I am open to pull requests with improvements, however.

I really appreciate the effort 😄
Sadly I don't have coding skills in Rust