FuelLabs / fuel-bridge

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Add test for deposit erc20 from message input

LuizAsFight opened this issue · comments

bridgeERC20.ts is testing the deposit erc20 process, but when mounting the inputs to pay the transaction, it only considers Coin inputs.

  • should add a test to validate if deposit erc20 token from CoinMessage works
    • bridge (deposit) ETH to a fuel account
    • then bridge(deposit) erc20 to the same fuel account
export function resourcesToInputs(resources: Array<Resource>) {
  const coinResources: Coin[] = resources.filter((r) =>
  ) as unknown as Coin[];

  const coinInputs: Array<TransactionRequestInput> = coinResources.map(
    (r: Coin) => ({
      type: InputType.Coin,
      id: r.id,
      owner: r.owner.toB256(),
      amount: r.amount.toHex(),
      assetId: r.assetId,
      txPointer: ZeroBytes32,
      witnessIndex: 0,
  const messageCoinResources: MessageCoin[] = resources.filter((r) =>
  ) as unknown as MessageCoin[];

  const messageCoinInputs: Array<TransactionRequestInput> =
    messageCoinResources.map((r: MessageCoin) => ({
      type: InputType.Message,
      assetId: r.assetId,
      sender: r.sender.toB256(),
      recipient: r.recipient.toB256(),
      nonce: r.nonce,
      amount: r.amount.toHex(),
      daHeight: r.daHeight.toHex(),
      witnessIndex: 0,
  // return coinInputs;
  return [...coinInputs, ...messageCoinInputs];


I am not sure I understand this issue - could you please elaborate?


[transaction.ts](https://github.com/FuelLabs/fuel- bridge/blob/cad3939bcb615da22f45075d9a29253435c4f65a/packages/test-utils/src/utils/fuels/transaction.ts#L4)

this function is only considering coin inputs, but it can be a message input if the ETH you have came from a bridge deposit operation

this issue consists in:

  • add support to message inputs
  • create a test that validate this scenario working