FrostCo / AdvancedProfanityFilter

A browser extension to filter profanity from webpages

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

blocking emojis

Ex8rlo opened this issue · comments

hi i been trying to block some emojis but none of them been filtered and i just been wondering if you could even filter emojis to begin with? it would have been really good if you could filter emojis

@Ex8rlo, there should be basic support for filtering "common" emojis, but I can't promise it will work everywhere. Do you have an example site/emoji that you are having trouble filtering? Does it work in the "Test" tab of the options page?

The 💩 emoji is what im having a problem with. I even test but it didn't filter

What "match method" is it set to @Ex8rlo? I just did a few quick tests, and while I had trouble if it was using "Exact", it seemed to work just fine with the "Partial" match method. Can you give that a try?

My match method was Exact i try the other method but it didn't work.

Does this work for you in your test?

This is an 💩 test. 💩💩💩

It seems to work for me:


@Ex8rlo, just wanted to make sure you saw my last question.

oh sorry! i had test it out but it didn't work. I don't know if its not working cause my emojis look different? but please don't worry your head about this. it may just be a problem on my end.