FrostCo / AdvancedProfanityFilter

A browser extension to filter profanity from webpages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Audio Muting Site Request Data (

solomonshalom opened this issue · comments

Instructions: This template is written in Markdown. Click the "Preview" tab to see what it will look like when submitted. Fill in the applicable sections (you can erase the examples if you'd like). For more information, please see this page.

🎥 The Site


💬 Subtitle Element/Node (I am not sure, as it's a tad bit confusing)


<div class="subtitle-container">
  <p class="subtitle-text">Subtitle text</p>

Can you give the custom config here a try @solomonshalom? Since this site doesn't appear to be completely legitimate it won't be added to the list of supported sites, but you might have some success with this custom config.

To use this config, paste it into the Custom Sites area (Options page > Audio tab) and click the blue "SAVE" button underneath it. Then, make sure to refresh the tab for the video site (if you have it open still) and it will load this new configuration.


Thank you so much for taking your time and helping but unfortunately, I found a bug which is that the audio was muted before the bad word was spoken, is there something I should be doing?

Although, really appreciate the help!

@solomonshalom, if you can give me a specific example I'm happy to take a look, but ultimately the filter can only be as good as the captions/subtitles accompanying the video. If they are not synchronized correctly the filtering may be off.

Closing this issue due to inactivity. Feel free to re-open or respond here.