FrostCo / AdvancedProfanityFilter

A browser extension to filter profanity from webpages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Commonman7 opened this issue · comments

Just went back onto chrunchyroll today and it is not filtering. I've tried it on chrome, firefox and edge browers with the same results. Thanks

Could you share a link to the video you tested with @Commonman7?

I don't personally have a subscription to Crunchy roll right now, so I've just been testing with this video: and it seems to be working okay on it for me. Does it work for you?

Thanks for sending the link @Commonman7. When you get a chance, can you see if episode 1 works?

If that does work for you, but episode 6 doesn't I'd guess they are doing something different between their free titles and the premium ones. If that's the case I'll re-sub for a month and take a look at it.

Hi Richard, I've been emailing back and forth. I really appreciate you taking your time on this. Thanks!

Thanks for all the help in tracking down the issue @Commonman7 and @jaxmirox. I have identified the issue and will be working through getting it fixed in an update. I'm aiming to finish it up this evening and will update when I have submitted it for review by the various stores.

Thank you sir. I really appreciate you doing all of this.

Thanks for all the encouragement and support @Commonman7 and @jaxmirox.

Sorry for the delay. This should be fixed in version 3.2.1. Feel free to comment here if you have any feedback for this update.

It is available now for Firefox, with the other stores following as soon as it passes their review process.

I having problems getting this to work on crunchyroll, I see common got it to work. Just not sure how.

What are you seeing @jinzjuunanagou? First do you have the latest update (3.2.1)? Do you have any custom audio site config set for Crunchyroll (Options page > Audio tab)?

Ya I just downloaded it today so it should be latest version. But you might be right I be doing something wrong. So i have to custom audio for crunchy on the options page? I will give it a look.

Audio tab > Supported Sites Config > Copy/Pasted Crunchyroll still no luck.

@jinzjuunanagou, no, you shouldn't need custom audio config for it. You can remove it if you copied it. If you go to the "Help" tab you should be able to see the version in the top-right corner just to confirm you are on the latest (3.2.1). Also, which browser are you using?

Could you share a link to a video you are testing it on?

I am using Chrome. Sure I am trying to get it to work on 1st episode on the 11:02 min mark the CC censors actually work but no video mute happens.

Working fine on chrome and firefox for me.

update: I used the link provided and it didn't mute for me, but did censor. It must be a dub thing because it muted the japanese audio but not the english.

dr stone english audio_english_cc

Not sure if this helps

Thanks for all the reports and details. I'll be taking a look in a few minutes and I'll update when I have something to report.

It looks like you are right @jaxmirox, they appear to be using yet another method for captions/subtitles for dubbed videos.

This custom config should work for the dubbed videos, but will prevent it working on the non-dubbed ones:

  "": [
      "iframe": true,
      "mode": "elementChild",
      "note": "Dubbed videos",
      "parentSelector": "div#vilosVttJs",
      "subtitleSelector": ":scope div > div",
      "tagName": "DIV"

I'm going to see if I can get them to both work at the same time now.

Okay, I think this config should support all the variations (at least that I've come across):

  "": [
      "apfCaptions": true,
      "apfCaptionsSelector": "vilosVttJs",
      "displaySelector": "canvas#velocity-canvas",
      "externalSub": true,
      "externalSubTrackMode": "hidden",
      "externalSubVar": ";;",
      "iframe": true,
      "mode": "cue",
      "videoCueLanguage": "en-US",
      "videoCueRequireShowing": false,
      "videoSelector": "video#player0"
      "iframe": true,
      "mode": "elementChild",
      "note": "Dubbed videos",
      "parentSelector": "div#vilosVttJs",
      "subtitleSelector": ":scope div > div",
      "tagName": "DIV"

If anyone can give it a try and let me know how it works that would be great! Here are the videos I've been testing:

I included approximate timestamps for words that will be filtered with the default wordlist.

If this works, feel free to just use the above config until I can get another update published. I'll hold off with publishing this until I've heard back on how it works though.

I thank you much! This worked for me.

Thanks for reporting back @jinzjuunanagou, and once you get a chance to test it out @jaxmirox let me know and I'll work on getting this added (assuming it works for everyone).

Thanks for reporting back @jaxmirox & @jinzjuunanagou. I'll get this added into the next release and let you know here in this issue when its been released.

This latest config has been included in version 3.2.2. Feel free to comment here if you have any feedback for this update.