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Update the stylus dependency.

toddmagnusson opened this issue · comments

Running on Windows 10 Pro/NT

Kept getting this error right before build:
Potentially unhandled rejection [4] Error: callback(): The callback was already called. at context.callback (C:\Users\Business\Learning\angularjs1x-components\node_modules\webpack-core\lib\NormalModuleMixin.js:143:11) at tryCatchReject (C:\Users\Business\Learning\angularjs1x-components\node_modules\when\lib\makePromise.js:840:30) at runContinuation1 (C:\Users\Business\Learning\angularjs1x-components\node_modules\when\lib\makePromise.js:799:4) at Rejected.when (C:\Users\Business\Learning\angularjs1x-components\node_modules\when\lib\makePromise.js:623:4) at (C:\Users\Business\Learning\angularjs1x-components\node_modules\when\lib\makePromise.js:481:13) at Scheduler._drain (C:\Users\Business\Learning\angularjs1x-components\node_modules\when\lib\Scheduler.js:62:19) at Scheduler.drain (C:\Users\Business\Learning\angularjs1x-components\node_modules\when\lib\Scheduler.js:27:9) at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)

I was also getting the Jeet issue that has already been addressed here. On Windows I had to manually update the Stylus dependency to the latest release to get build to load and watch to start.

For me this issue was caused by stylus-loader. When I used version 1.2.1, it got fixed.

I'm getting this issue when I use ^1.2.1, playing around with it, if I go past 1.3 it gives me the same error. If fixed it by using ~1.2.1

I am getting that error too. i have tried changing the stylus-loader: ~1.2.1