FrontEndHappyHour / frontend-slack-emojis

A curated list of emojis of anything and everything frontend related that you can import into Slack. Brought to you by Frontend Happy Hour.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Frontend Slack Emojis

A curated list of emojis of anything and everything frontend related that you can import into Slack. Brought to you by Frontend Happy Hour.

A picture of frontend slack emojis in use

How to add these icons

You can add emojis to your Slack Team by following the instructions in this Slack article.

You can also use our YAML file in this repo along and import them all using emojipacks CLI tool.

Want to contribute?

Feel free to put in pull request preferably of a size no bigger than 126x126 and update the YAML file accordingly.

Please note we do not own any of the logos in this repository. This is just for fun :)


A curated list of emojis of anything and everything frontend related that you can import into Slack. Brought to you by Frontend Happy Hour.