FromDarkHell / BL3SaveEditor

A desktop based save and profile editor for Borderlands 3

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Spent tokens numer very high and cannot change

Hunique opened this issue · comments

I don't know why, but for me the number of tokens spent is very high and I change it in vain. I save it and when I open it again it is the same as before.
Any idea why?

having the exact same issue, but it resets to the 32-bit signed integer limit (2,147,483,647) for whatever reason. if I then open the game and try to spend a point, the bonus becomes negative and I haven't been able to fix it. closing and reopening the game causes the values to return to the maximum (2,147,483,647 points spent, and ~15% bonus to each stat). the bonuses on the right side of the Guardian Rank menu are also completely broken. Grenade Damage seems to have fixed itself? no clue why.
a fix would be greatly appreciated @FromDarkHell