FromDarkHell / BL3SaveEditor

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Terror/BloodyHarvest Annointments missing from Generic Parts List

BrainlessTroglodyte opened this issue · comments

Terror Anointments are missing from the Generic Parts List. Terror Anointments on existing weapons/items are read as other things. Selecting the same, "incorrect" Anointment for pre-existing Terror Anointments does not change the Anointment. Not editing weapons with existing Terror Anointments does not cause them to change to non-Terror Anointments. (I mention this to point out that, while this bug would prevent granting Terror Anointments, it does not seem to harm weapons that already had Terror Anointments.)

An example "The Butcher" with code (copied using the current version of the Borderlands 3 Save Editor):

Displayed, in-game Anointment: While Terrified, you have a chance to fire an extra projectile per shot. The more terror you have, the higher the bonus.
Expected Generic Part: GPart_All_Passive_TerrorProjectilesPerShot
Expected Generic Part not found on list of Generic Parts. Could not find way to add it manually.
Generic Part Displayed on the Generic Parts List when weapon is opened in current versions of the editor: GPart_Siren_Cast_WeaponDamage

Hopefully a fix is easy, but no matter how easy it might be, it's beyond a non-coder like me.

A workaround is to just give yourself a lot of eridium and reroll the target gear with the BloodyHarvest event active. But you will need to make sure the target is anointed already.