FriendsOfSymfony / FOSUserBundle

Provides user management for your Symfony project. Compatible with Doctrine ORM & ODM, and custom storages.

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composer update throws : Unrecognized options "memory_cost, time_cost, threads" under "security.encoders.FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface"

etshy opened this issue · comments


Symfony FOSUserBundle versions:
versions : * v2.1.2

Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior:
tried to composer update my project and I had the message : Unrecognized options "memory_cost, time_cost, threads" under "security.encoders.FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface"

Steps to reproduce:

  1. composer update

Provide logs (if relevant):

Executing script cache:clear [KO]
Script cache:clear returned with error code 1
!!  PHP Warning:  Module 'mongodb' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
!!  In ArrayNode.php line 307:
!!    Unrecognized options "memory_cost, time_cost, threads" under "security.enco
!!    ders.FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface"
Script @auto-scripts was called via post-update-cmd

I guess it's related to my password encoding config

      algorithm: argon2i
      memory_cost:          16384 # Amount in KiB. 16 MiB
      time_cost:            2 # Number of iterations
      threads:              4 # Number of parallel threads

Edit : I tried to change my FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface with the User Class stated in Symfony Docs and I still have the error.
I'll create an issue on Symfony Repo.

Please provide the Symfony Version which are you using. Argon2i-Configuration is available since SF 4.1


I was with Symfony 4.1.5 or 4.1.6 before update, and now 4.1.8.

I have argon2i configured for at least 3 or 4 months already and had the problem during an update today

The configu you are showing here is not the config of FOSUserBundle, but the config of SecurityBundle (the top-level key is security, not fos_user). This issue is not reported to the right place.