Friend-LGA / LGSideMenuController

iOS view controller which manages left and right side views

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Not Show full screen side menu

jaag12 opened this issue · comments

Hello before you thank the work done in the library. My side menu is not shown in full screen is cut to the height of the main menu, what am I doing wrong ?. My configuration is this:

`SideMainVC *sideMainController=[[SideMainVC alloc] initWithNibName:@"SideMain" bundle:nil];

    MainPrincipalVC *mainPrincipal = [[MainPrincipalVC alloc] init];

LGSideMenuController *sideMenuController = [LGSideMenuController sideMenuControllerWithRootViewController:mainPrincipal
sideMenuController.leftViewWidth = 250.0;
sideMenuController.leftViewPresentationStyle = LGSideMenuPresentationStyleScaleFromBig;
sideMenuController.leftViewBackgroundBlurEffect = [UIBlurEffect effectWithStyle:UIBlurEffectStyleRegular];`

Thanks you

Hey I am facing the same issue. Have you got the fix?

Hey You can use

    `lgSideMenuVC.modalPresentationStyle = .currentContext`

Take a look at demo projects. they have good examples of how to setup everything.