FrenzyExists / aquarium-vim

🌊 Aquarium, a simple vibrant dark theme for vim 🗒

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Neovim Aquarium Colorscheme Doesn't Work

BooleanCube opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
It looks weird and not right.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Download the plugin using packer.nvim
  2. Type the command :colo aquarium into neovim

Expected behavior
It should look like what's in the


OS (The operating system you're using):
Windows 10

Neovim (Your neovim version):



  • I solved my problem by adding the following lines into the NeoVim config file (according to the answer here):

     if has("termguicolors")
       set termguicolors
       if &t_8f == ''
         " The first characters after the equals sign are literal escape characters.
         set t_8f=[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum
         set t_8b=[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum

The above code enables true color display in Vim/ NeoVim. Thus it fixs the problem as long as True Color is supported by the termianl. ( on macOS doesn't support True Color.)

Below is the original comment


I'm having the similiar problem. I installed the colorscheme on both macOS and LInux (Raspberry Pi OS) systems. None of them works correctly.

My Configuration

  • macOS 12.0.1
    • Vim 8.2 (macOS)
    • NeoVim 0.6 (macOS)
  • Raspberry Pi OS (Bullseye Oct. 31, 2021)
    • NeoVim 0.4.4 (Linux)


I installed Aquarium via vim-plug, tried on both systems with Vim and Neovim. I tested it with/ without other plugins installed (for example rust.vim), but it doesn't affect the results. None of the syntax highlighting is correct.

Terminal settings outside vim

On macOS, I configured iTerm2 with the color profile provided in the extra folder, and set the using the same pallete. On Linux, I set the terminal pallete manully.

Here are some screenshots to show what they look like:

Linux Neovim version 0.4.4, Keyword and Functios and other staff not highlighted

macOS NeoVim version 0.6

And Vim version 8.2 on macOS has the worst case, the foreground and background color for some words are inverted:

I tried to check the color settings via :hi Keyword or hi Number
And it will show:

I guess that means the color settings is only for gui vim, and ctermfg, ctermbg are not set for most of the things like Keyword and Number

I'm new to vim plugins, so please let me know if I'm doing wrong, or I need to install other plugins to help the the syntax highlight and make it look the same as your screenshot in the

Hi! Sorry for the really late response. I believe you don't have termgui colors enabled on your neovim configuration on windows. And yes, I haven't exactly set any cterm colors per se, some have, some don't. Reason is because I don't exactly use cterm at all (and because I actually suck at using the base 256 color system of cterm). Make sure you have termgui colors enabled on your configuration.

About the plugins, If you ever wanted that there was more colors on the syntax side, you can install tree-sitter. Make sure your neovim version is 5.0 or above tho.

Have this somewhere on your .vimrc

set termguicolors

That will enable gui colors and fix the issue

it was just that, in lua all you have to do is vim.opt.termguicolors = true and that did the job for me. thx for the help!