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Multitransport-flag slows down connection

AndyFx12 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
I've reported a bug to Remmina - with "GFX RFX" and "multitransport" it takes much longer to connect to a windows server 2016 than without multitransport. It seems to be a freerdp-issue.

xfreerdp 2.9.0
with +multitransport: 6-7 seconds to connect.
without multitransport: 1-2 seconds to connect

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Fast connect 1-2 seconds:
xfreerdp +clipboard /v:192.168.x.x /d:st*** /u:ad**** /size:1920×1080 /f /cert-ignore /gfx:rfx /video /compression-level:2 /p:$(zenity --title='Passwort für administrator' --password)"

Slow connect 6-7 seconds:
xfreerdp +multitransport +clipboard /v:192.168.x.x /d:st*** /u:ad**** /size:1920×1080 /f /cert-ignore /gfx:rfx /video /compression-level:2 /p:$(zenity --title='Passwort für administrator' --password)"

Expected behavior
Same speed should be available.

Application details
xfreerdp 2.9.0 from Linux Mint 21.3

Environment (please complete the following information):
Linux-Mint 21.3

Additional context

sorry, where do the expectations come from and what is the bug here?

long explanation:
multitransport enables UDP transport.
so if the UDP messages do not work like with some networks with firewalls, ... after some detection period the session continues with TCP

and with FreeRDP UDP never works until implemented