FredHappyface / Android.FHCode

Code editor for android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Feature: search and replace text

OmlineEditor opened this issue · comments

please add a search and replace text in the file

Can you fill in the template please 🙂

name: "Feature request"
about: Request a new feature to be added
title: 'Feature: <title>'
labels: 'enhancement'
assignees: 'fredhappyface'


We appreciate your interest in contributing to the improvement of our project.
Please provide the details of the feature you're suggesting using the template

Instructions: Fill in the requested details. You can delete any unused headers
and feel free to add any additional information that might be relevant to your
specific project.

Thank you for taking the time to contribute your ideas to the project. Your
feedback helps us make improvements that benefit everyone!

## Before You Begin

Before proceeding, please make sure to follow these steps:

- [ ] I have checked for similar feature requests in the project's issue tracker
  to avoid duplicates.
- [ ] I have searched existing issues to see if this feature has been discussed

## Feature Details

Start by creating a clear and concise title for your feature request.

### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe

Provide a brief description of the problem you've identified. This helps us
understand the context and motivation behind your feature request.

### Describe the solution you'd like

Clearly describe the solution you have in mind. What specific functionality or
improvement are you suggesting? Be as detailed as possible.

### Describe alternatives you've considered

If you've thought of other ways to address the issue or implement the feature,
please describe those alternatives here.

### Additional Context

Add any relevant context, information, or screenshots that can help us
understand your feature request better.

You don't have a text replacement feature when editing. Open any file and quickly try to replace all the words cat with dog. For this you need a function that will replace the text, that's what I'm asking for. Why should I fill out this form if everything should be clear?

I could pose the same question in return. I dedicate my spare time to this project voluntarily. You are not automatically entitled to free software assistance. If you're unwilling to complete the form, then I won't be able to assist you further. Thanks

I'm sorry that you couldn't understand that I want them to accept my offer for requesting new functionality.
I don't see the point in filling out a large form because the request is very clear. If you do not understand the request, close the ticket.