ForestAdmin / forest-express

🧱 Dependency of Express Lianas for Forest Admin

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Liana.ensureAuthenticated doesn't work for custom route

alexprice1 opened this issue · comments

I am having a problem using Liana.ensureAuthenticated for a custom route. I followed the directions of putting the route prior to using Liana.init, which makes sense so we can use next to allow liana to handle the request, but then it fails since req.user is not defined yet. My code looks like this:

  app.put('/forest/opportunities/:opportunityId', Liana.ensureAuthenticated, saveImageToS3);

    modelsDir: require('path').join(__dirname, '/models'), // Your models directory.
    envSecret: process.env.FOREST_ENV_SECRET,
    authSecret: process.env.FOREST_AUTH_SECRET,
    mongoose: require('mongoose')

It never gets to saveImageToS3 since it fails at auth.js

Hi @alexprice91 You might want to take a look at our app.js where we implemented different strategies to unlock our custom routes:

Hey @alexprice1, sorry for the late response.
Can you detail a bit your usecase? Why do you need to define this custom route?


Hey @alexprice1, this is now fixed in the latest express liana versions:

  • Express - 2.0.6
  • Express-Sequelize - 2.0.4
  • Express-Mongoose - 2.0.6

You can override the Admin API like you did:

app.put('/forest/opportunities/:opportunityId', Liana.ensureAuthenticated, saveImageToS3);

Let me know if it is ok for you.
