Fody / FodyAddinSamples

A working sample for each Fody Addin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple Example for MethodBoundaryAspect

Brunhack opened this issue · comments


I try to implement the "MethodBoundaryAspect.Fody" but i cannot access to the abstract class "OnMethodBoundaryAspect". I don´t know why!
I think i initialize the "MethodBoundaryAspect.Fody" wrong :/

Is it possible to insert a MethodBoundaryAspect-Sample into this folder?
Would be nice! :)

Happy to accept a pull request for this

Many Thanks! ;)

Looking w this again, i think you wpuld be better served raising an issue here and asking the maintainer of that project to add a sample