Fody / Equals

Generate Equals, GetHashCode and operators methods from properties.

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IgnoreDuringEqualsAttribute not accessible at runtime

SebastianStehle opened this issue · comments

Almost everything works great, but I have a class that is also json serialized.

The serializer throws the following exception:

System.TypeLoadException : Could not load type 'IgnoreDuringEqualsAttribute' from assembly 'System.Diagnostics.Debug, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.

When I open this type in ILSpy, I see that the IgnoreDuringEqualsAttribute is there but I cannot follow it to the implementation, so somehow the IL is corrupt.

Btw: I am using .NET Core 3

You mean the "Minimal Repro"?

Yeah, I was lazy, sorry. Here is the repro:

The problem is when the attributes are used in a base class that do not have the Equals attribute.

My solution is to add

[Equals(DoNotAddEquals = true, DoNotAddGetHashCode = true, DoNotAddEqualityOperators = true)] to the base class, but it is not very intuitive.

From a quick glance at the source code, it looks like this weaver won't remove the attributes on classes which don't have an [Equals] attribute.

Note that [Equals] is not inherited, therefore using other attributes on a class without [Equals] is an error. A warning should probably be emitted there, and in any case attributes should be removed from all types, not just those marked with [Equals].

The behavior makes sense, it is just the remove that it is the problem. Because the IgnoreDuringEqualsAttribute works as expected :)

i will add a compile error that explains the problem