Fmstrat / winapps

Run Windows apps such as Microsoft Office/Adobe in Linux (Ubuntu/Fedora) and GNOME/KDE as if they were a part of the native OS, including Nautilus integration.

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bin/winapps gives an error

prathamcbh opened this issue · comments

Hello there, I am using Arco linux, on Gnome 41 xorg, and I get this error when I run /bin/apps check:
[20:12:46:880] [37013:37014] [WARN][com.freerdp.crypto] - Certificate verification failure 'self signed certificate (18)' at stack position 0 [20:12:46:880] [37013:37014] [WARN][com.freerdp.crypto] - CN = RDPWindows [20:12:47:081] [37013:37014] [WARN][com.freerdp.core.nla] - SPNEGO received NTSTATUS: STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE [0xC000006D] from server [20:12:47:081] [37013:37014] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core] - nla_recv_pdu:freerdp_set_last_error_ex ERRCONNECT_LOGON_FAILURE [0x00020014] [20:12:47:081] [37013:37014] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.rdp] - rdp_recv_callback: CONNECTION_STATE_NLA - nla_recv_pdu() fail [20:12:47:081] [37013:37014] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.transport] - transport_check_fds: transport->ReceiveCallback() - -1
I don't have much understanding of virtualisation and I am using freerdp. Is freerdp supported with this? I tried finding freerdp2 but failed. I checked the username and password, and also tried pinging to the VM, the ping reached VM. Is anything that I am missing? Any help is appreciated. :D


I also get the same issue. Did you run the vm as user or root.

It was user most probably. I gave up on it and now I ended using the VM directly since it was too much of a hassle to find the problem. Good luck to you tho.
And one last thing, which distro are you using and are you using freerdp or freerdp2?


I tried to run vm as both root and user, still nothing. I too use the vm now directly. I hope it gets resolved in future. It would have been better if developer packaged it as flatpak with vm bundled inside pre-configured with the only requirement of windows iso.
And I use ubuntu and freerdp2

Since freerdp was not available on both Arch repos and AUR, I too used freerdp2. Can that be the hurdle?


i don't think. In fact it is better to use freerdp2.

I am sorry, I couldn't reply recently. I actually don't have much idea of it. Did you find out a solution or are you using VM directly?


Well I need to use windows for a project and now I'm dualbooting so i nuked that vm. Check this video its description gives some idea what commands to use to get it to work properly.

LMAO, that was the video that bought me here. Sadly didn't find any solution and maybe I'll close this issue.

according to this, the following steps work for me:

  1. untick Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended).

  2. add /sec:tls option to command of check in bin/winapps like #318

if you still got errors, try a non-empty user password then...


Ran into this issue and came across this trying to figure it out. This is how I revolved my issue.

I tried to connect to the vm manually with xfreerdp by running xfreerdp /u:<username> /p:<password> /v:<vm IP> ... my password had an !@ in it and even though it was put in double quotes, it processed it as bash and gave me this error:

bash: !@: event not found

After changing the password not to include those two characters next to each other, it ran successfully.

according to this, the following steps work for me:

  1. untick Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended).
  2. add /sec:tls option to command of check in bin/winapps like Update winapps #318

if you still got errors, try a non-empty user password then...

method one and setting a non-empty password solved for me.