FlowiseAI / Flowise

Drag & drop UI to build your customized LLM flow

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[question] socket.io sticky session / multiple nodes

niztal opened this issue · comments


I've seen flowise is based on socket.io in order to communicate with the client.
I wonder what would happen if flowise will have multiple nodes/replicas/pods, how can we keep that the sessions of socket.io won't be sticky to a specific node/replica/pod?

I didn't see flowise has the option to integrate socket.io with a certain adapter (https://socket.io/docs/v4/using-multiple-nodes/#enabling-sticky-session) nor configure the transports as websocket


a new socket connection is established/closed whenever user open or close the chatbox, so in the case of multiple nodes/replicas/pods I dont think that will be an issue. Though we are working on using SSE and moving away from socketio

a new socket connection is established/closed whenever user open or close the chatbox, so in the case of multiple nodes/replicas/pods I dont think that will be an issue. Though we are working on using SSE and moving away from socketio

I'm not sure that's true.

Think of a case where you're using kubernetes and you have a public ingress, your service holds let's say 3 pods for the example.
Now once you open the chatbot you were interacting with pod #1 , later on the ingress decided to route your request to pod #3. In that case the application will fail.
In such cases you must use persistency in order to avoid session stickiness.

LMK if I miss anything.

Thanks @HenryHengZJ