Floris497 / mac-pixel-clock-patch-V2

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Salnikoff opened this issue · comments


Having macbook pro 15" 2011 late, IIYAMA 27" G-Master GB2788HS-B1

I want maximum HZ for that monitor (up to 144Hz)

Tell me please, can you do pathcer for AMD video cards?

I can pay for it...

Sorry for bad English

First check if you can do it with SwitchResX alone. that might already work. (make sure to use an DP cable) if it does not I can take a look again at the AMD drivers.. but it don't think I can find something this time. I don't really have a lot of time to look into that. I'm wondering what you want out of a MacBook with 144Hz? no game is going to run smooth on a laptop like that I suppose :) however you can get an external PCIe thunderbolt enclosure, pun an AMD Card in there that is supported by macOS and That has FreeSync or if you don't care about FreeSync then you can also go for an Nvidia card. I've used this and it works pretty well. but don't expect full performance over thunderbolt vs PCIe in a desktop. hope this helps.

I see, I did have a look yesterday.. but not really a good one. I need to get the file that was patched in 10.9.1 and see what it did and where in the driver this lock is.. it will take some time to figure that out.. in the meantime you could try both CoreDisplay (or IOKit if CoreDisplay doesn't work ) and see if it the custom resolutions in switchresx get active. (I'm pretty sure you can get to 80Hz at least using custom resolutions in switchresx.. but not sure)

After saving in switchresx and rebooting what does the custom resolutions panel say?

I see, but after rebooting it should either say 'active' or something like 'inactive - not supported?' I don't remember the apply now button.. you could try it

Cmd+s then close switchresx and reboot the whole mac.. should do the trick.. I expected you to be on 10.12.X

I've not used this version will check when I'm home

Looks like you do need an separate AMD patch.. let me check what i can do for you but it's going to take a bit of time

I think I got something :) open -a mail /System/Library/Extensions/AMDSupport.kext/Contents/MacOS/AMDSupport If this executable would end up in my email (find it in readme) somehow.. I could check if it is the same for your executable system and you could test it after.

Yes.. unfortunately I don't run 10.11 anywhere anymore. Easiest is to send it my way. I can also setup an VM but it's going to take some time again :)

Just send the file, I'll decompile it :) sorry didn't understand correctly. The terminal command i gave will open a new window in mail with the file as an attachment already :)

Okay, don't worry I'm now making a VM with 10.11, I will test and let you know :) My AMD card is pretty old but maybe I can lift the limits a little bit. at least I can see if it works then.


Please try this one :) did not do any testing.. hope it works :D

Ah sorry please run it like amd-patcher.command patch v1 I don't have your MD5's you will directly see if it has changed code. it will notify you.

Did you reboot? it should be good

Hm, what you did seems to be correct.. this only means that there is another thing to be changed.. :/

Me neither.. :/ Is IOKit patched also?

I'm going to need to take another look at it.. but this time it's really going to take time.. because I have to find some other values to change. or see what logic more is involved in this. what you could do is have a look what the exact maximum value op the pixel clock is.

Example Image

Check the image above. fill in resolution and PixelClock. the limit is most likely 165MHz (69Hz) but if it's more it means we need to look at something else.. for the moment I put it on 300MHz that can get you till about 125Hz It can be changed to something higher later if needed.

And if you go beyond 165,00 MHz like for instance 165,01 would that still show as active?

Good, that means the limit is still there and the same.. I'll have to look and see where else this limit is checked. It's going to take at least a few days till I really have the time to look into it.. maybe i can find something tonight

Ehm.. good question.. we're not sure. Performance issues and this is the official HDMI limit. But I'm actually not quite sure exactly why.

I put an old HD6870 in my PC and it looks like I don't even need the patch to get the higher resolution.. anyway. I found out it loads the 'AMDLegacySupport' instead of 'AMDSupport' so patching the 'AMDLegacySupport' might help you. Please try and use the same way as the other one.

Hm, interesting.. it seems like something new in 10.12.X.. you are using a DisplayPort cable right?

https://gfx.io can you see what this one says?

This is where it ends man.. my Russian isn't that good :P (I guess it is Russian?) this app can switch your GPU.. but I don't have any MacBook with dual graphics.. so I can't run the app.

Can you check what happens if you say 'integrated only' maybe you iGPU can handle it a bit.. but what bothers me is that Windows can do it..

But it might not be possible to switch to iGPU with an external screen

I was afraid this was the case.. so it isn't that simple :/

Thanks for trying.. I will go to thinking mode again.. will report when I find some possible new things :)


I had commented in another issue about the NVIDIA driver whereas I actually have AMD. I have a 2016 15" MBPr running 10.12.3

If you need any files or whatever from me to help with the development of an AMD patch please let me know and I'll get you what I can. Thanks for your work!

I think you can do 4k without patch?


It does drive 4k but I am getting 30hz even with an adapter (USB-C to HDMI 2) that I know does 4k @ 60hz. I could try SwitchResX but corporate security settings keep me from doing that (trying to get those resolved).

Are you sure it's real HDMI2.0? The CoreDisplay patch could be enough in the case. I would recommend usb-c to DP and maybe try Switchresx custom resolution too.

Sorry I'm reading to fast.. where did it do 4k@60Hz?

@Salnikoff no someone with a different mac model responded on this topic


@Floris497 - in the past I had a 2015 15" MBPr with Intel GPU which I used the HDMI cable with. I used your CoreDisplay patch to achieve 4k @60Hz using that HDMI cable and a thunderbolt to HDMI adapter. The only things that have changed are now a 2016 15" MBPr and a USB to HDMI 2.0 adapter. Specifically this one: https://goo.gl/bG7OLy.

I do have a mini-DP to HDMI cable so I could buy a USB-C to mini-DP. I had used that in the past well to get 4k @ 60hz. I will order a USB-C to mini-DP adapter and let you know how that goes. Perhaps HDMI is the problem.

I got SwitchResX running but it won't let me do 4k @60Hz. That said I made a custom resolution via SwitchResX and maybe I flubbed one of the settings.

I don't know about this cable.. but it can be that it does 4k@60Hz yuv 4:2:0 instead if RGB 4:4:4 half the bitrate double the frame rate.. windows is doing this often.. but macOS does not.. I can't find the original specs either on the website of them or on amazon


FWIW - I'm using a Samsung 6300 TV as my monitor.
Amazon link - https://goo.gl/g9yEK6

This didn't work for me:




btw, i'm using this adaptor:

Edit 2:

Looking at the product description now, the problem is my adaptor.

My PC is mac mini 2011 High sierra.10.13.4

FYI. Internal hdmi only used!!