Output full of "0\"
Patrick3131 opened this issue · comments
Thanks for your frameworks.
I have been trying to use your framework.
But I keep getting output I can not use, do you know why I get an output like this:
["O\0r\0d\0e\0r\0U\0u\0i\0d\0", "\0E\0x\0c\0h\0a\0n\0g\0e\0", "\0T\0y\0p\0e\0", "\0Q\0u\0a\0n\0t\0i\0t\0y\0", "\0L\0i\0m\0i\0t\0", "\0C\0o\0m\0m\0i\0s\0s\0i\0o\0n\0P\0a\0i\0d\0", "\0P\0r\0i\0c\0e\0", "\0O\0p\0e\0n\0e\0d\0", "\0C\0l\0o\0s\0e\0d\0\r\0"]
If you take the "0\"
away it would be the output I need, why does this occur?
Okay I figured it out, but I have an other problem. I think the framework creates an invalid array, if I want to loop through the array afterwards I get an out of range error. I handled this by removing the last element of the array. Is this a known problem or am I doing something wrong?
Hi Patrick. Thanks for your question. Please could you provide more details for both: The issue you fixed (so others might find this and see the solution) and the new problem with the array you have. I'm not sure what exactly you mean, maybe you could provide example code of how you use CSVImporter?
Hi Dschee! Thanks for getting back.
I am using CSVImporter synchron.
The output of CSVImporter was still full of "\0" and the last character of a line returns "\r" probably because of the line break. I now check the output afterwards and replace the "\0" and "\r". I tried to use the asynchron version as well, same result.
The last element of the csvoutput equals ["\0"] therefore if I loop through the array to build my object it can not access it, so I delete it after the import. Did this problems occur before or am I using it wrong?
My code looks like this:
struct Object {
let orderUuid: String //0 Position in Csv
let exchange: String //1
let typeOrder: String //2
let quantity: Double //3
let limit: Double //4
let commissionPaid: Double //5
let pricePaid: Double //6
let opened: Date? //7
let closed: Date? //8
init(orderUuid: String, exchange: String, typeOrder: String, quantity: Double, limit: Double, commissionPaid: Double, pricePaid: Double, opened: Date?, closed: Date?){
self.orderUuid = orderUuid
self.exchange = exchange
self.typeOrder = typeOrder
self.quantity = quantity
self.limit = limit
self.commissionPaid = commissionPaid
self.pricePaid = pricePaid
self.opened = opened
self.closed = closed
func csvImport() -> [Object]{
var accountHistoryOfCsv = [Object]()
var importedCsv: [[String]] = []
var firstRowCsv: [String] = []
let path = "/Users/path/csv.csv"
let defaultImporter = CSVImporter<[String]>(path: path)
let result = defaultImporter.importRecords{ $0 }
importedCsv = result
var lastElementImportedCsv = importedCsv.last
while lastElementImportedCsv! == ["\0"] && importedCsv.count > 0 {
lastElementImportedCsv = importedCsv.last
// Hier wird gecheckt ob ["\0"] dem letzten Element entspricht, output durch csvimporter, das wird solange entfernt
if importedCsv.count > 0 {
// Erstes Element wird entfernt und geschaut ob es dem entsprechenden Csv entspricht
firstRowCsv = importedCsv.removeFirst()
let bereinigenFirstRowCsv = firstRowCsv.map{ $0.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "")}
if bereinigenFirstRowCsv.count >= 8 {
if bereinigenFirstRowCsv[0] == "OrderUuid"
&& bereinigenFirstRowCsv[1] == "Exchange"
&& bereinigenFirstRowCsv[2] == "Type"
&& bereinigenFirstRowCsv[3] == "Quantity"
&& bereinigenFirstRowCsv[4] == "Limit"
&& bereinigenFirstRowCsv[5] == "CommissionPaid"
&& bereinigenFirstRowCsv[6] == "Price"
&& bereinigenFirstRowCsv[7] == "Opened"
&& bereinigenFirstRowCsv[8].replacingOccurrences(of: "\r", with: "") == "Closed" // in test file it somehow is "Closedr", eventuell durch den Zeilenumbruch
&& importedCsv.count > 0
for x in importedCsv {
var checkOrderUuid = x[0]
checkOrderUuid = checkOrderUuid.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "")
var checkExchange = x[1]
var transformExchange = ""
if checkExchange != nil {
checkExchange = checkExchange.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "")
checkExchange = checkExchange.replacingOccurrences(of: "-", with: "/")
transformExchange = checkExchange
} else {
checkExchange = "unknown"
var checkTypeOrder = x[2]
var checkTypeOrderToString = ""
checkTypeOrder = checkTypeOrder.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "")
if checkTypeOrder != nil {
checkTypeOrderToString = checkTypeOrder
} else {
checkTypeOrderToString = "unknown"
var checkQuantity = x[3]
var checkQuantityToDouble = 0.0
checkQuantity = checkQuantity.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "")
if Double(checkQuantity) != nil {
checkQuantityToDouble = Double(checkQuantity)!
} else {
checkQuantityToDouble = 0.0
var limit = x[4]
var limitToDouble = 0.0
limit = limit.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "")
if Double(limit) != nil {
limitToDouble = Double(limit)!
} else {
limitToDouble = 0.0
var commissionPaid = x[5]
var commissionPaidToDouble = 0.0
commissionPaid = commissionPaid.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "")
if Double(commissionPaid) != nil {
commissionPaidToDouble = Double(commissionPaid)!
} else {
commissionPaidToDouble = 0.0
var pricePaid = x[6]
var pricePaidToDouble = 0.0
pricePaid = pricePaid.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "")
if Double(pricePaid) != nil {
pricePaidToDouble = Double(pricePaid)!
} else {
pricePaidToDouble = 0.0
var opened = x[7]
var openedDate: Date?
opened = opened.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "")
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "M/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss a"
if dateFormatter.date(from: opened) != nil {
openedDate = dateFormatter.date(from: opened)
} else {
openedDate = nil
var closed = x[8]
var closedDate: Date?
closed = closed.replacingOccurrences(of: "\0", with: "")
let closedDateFormatter = DateFormatter()
closedDateFormatter.dateFormat = "M/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss a"
if closedDateFormatter.date(from: opened) != nil {
closedDate = closedDateFormatter.date(from: closed)
} else {
closedDate = nil
accountHistoryOfCsv.append(Object(orderUuid: checkOrderUuid, exchange: transformExchange, typeOrder: checkTypeOrderToString, quantity: checkQuantityToDouble, limit: limitToDouble, commissionPaid: commissionPaidToDouble, pricePaid: pricePaidToDouble, opened: openedDate, closed: closedDate))
} else {
print("Invalid Csv File, please upload a valid Csv File")
} else {
print("Invalid Csv File, please upload a valid Csv File")
} else {
print("Invalid Csv File, please upload a valid Csv File")
return accountHistoryOfCsv
This is an example of my csv file:
I uploaded it on dropbox because Github does not support csv.
I have not been coding that long, so if you see anything I could do better I am happy to here it.
Okay, I've had a look into your code and here are some tips:
- The fixed path
let path = "/Users/path/csv.csv"
will only work on your computer. If you want to include this file in your app, make sure to copy the file into your Xcode project linking it against your target and load it in code like so:
let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "csv", ofType: "csv")!
You don't need to write default initializers that simply set a value with the same name as the parameter for Structs in Swift. Swift generates them for you automatically. Try to simply delete your initializer and you will see that everything still works. :)
I put your example code into a project, included CSVImporter as a Carthage dependency and run the code. When I set a breakpoint at line 32 (
importedCsv = result
) then the contents ofresult
look like everything is just fine. I can't see any\0
as you are saying. I have no idea why you get them, look how it is shown for me (see the output on the bottom):
I've also uploaded my project as a zip file. Please try out if it works for you in the project or if you still receive the \0
everywhere when running it.
I hope this helps.
I'm going to close this as it doesn't seem like to be an issue with CSVImporter. Will reopen if you prove otherwise.
Hey Dschee, thanks a lot for your response. Sorry for not replying earlier I have been busy working, I havent worked on my project since then. I will test your code on the weekend and get back to you. Thanks again!