FlashpointProject / launcher

Launcher for Flashpoint Archive

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[BUG] Linux - Unable to launch games that has space character in URL

SadaleNet opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Flashpoint launcher isn't able to launch games that has space character in its URL

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Games'
  2. Click on 'All Games'
  3. Launch any game that has a space character in its filename. For example, To Build a Better Mousetrap.
  4. The game couldn't be launched. Error message is found inside the Logs tab.

Expected behavior
The game should be launched

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Linux
  • Flashpoint Version 10.1
  • Log text: see below

Additional context

INFO  [11:22:33] To Build a Better Mousetrap: To Build a Better Mousetrap has been started
INFO  [11:22:33]       Game Launcher: Launch Game "To Build a Better Mousetrap" (PID: 12345) [
                                    applicationPath: "FPSoftware\Flash\flashplayer_32_sa.exe",
                                    launchCommand:   "http://molleindustria.org/to build a better mousetrap.swf",
                                    command:         ""/path/to/flashpoint/FPSoftware/Linux/Flash/flashplayer32SA" http://molleindustria.org/to build a better mousetrap.swf" ]
INFO  [11:22:33] To Build a Better Mousetrap: 
INFO  [11:22:33]                      Error: Invalid SWF file name
INFO  [11:22:33]                      
INFO  [11:22:33]                      To Build a Better Mousetrap exited with code 255

I could run the same game with native service..... I do not know this information is helpful or not.

Interesting. I'll setup my installation afresh and see if that'd fix that.

@l12436 I've probably screwed up my installation somehow. Thanks for pointing that out. I've reinstalled it and now that it works. So this bug is invalid. Closing.