FlareSolverr / FlareSolverr

Proxy server to bypass Cloudflare protection

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Cloudflare challenge now uses CHIPS for cf_clearance cookie

andtoliom opened this issue · comments

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- FlareSolverr version: 3.3.17
- Last working FlareSolverr version: 3.3.17
- Operating system: Windows 10
- Are you using Docker: [yes/no] no
- FlareSolverr User-Agent (see log traces or / endpoint): Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
- Are you using a VPN: [yes/no] no
- Are you using a Proxy: [yes/no] no
- Are you using Captcha Solver: [yes/no] no
- If using captcha solver, which one:
- URL to test this issue: Any with latest cloudflare challenge (ex: https://www.goldbelly.com/)


From now on cloudlfare is using CHIPS (Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State) to store the cookie on the browser, what is causing the Flaresolverr could not be able to extract the cf_clearance cookies anymore. At the momment most of the sites i've tested are causing this issue, some not (but I guess is temporary till the new Cloudflare update reach all the sites)

Logged Error Messages

No log, just infinite loop


2024-05-09 235127

Marked is the Partition Key, when you try to use a Cookie extension to inspect cookies (EditThisCookie) the cf_clearance cookie won't appear, only is visible when using the DevTools

Hi, why was this closed?

Hi, why was this closed?

I noticed my issue was caused because of the DevTools opened. If It's closed it will pass the challenge with no issues (Chrome v123)