Flank / flank

:speedboat: Massively parallel Android and iOS test runner for Firebase Test Lab

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roboDirectives are ignored when running in FTL

changusmc opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

--robo-directives is one of the two flags that Firebase Test Labs allows for Robo Tests to be ran. Flank currently supports --robo-script. Flank doesn't allow for both flags to be set at the same, but when only robo-directives is set whether thru the YAML or CLI, it's unused when determining the type in test_runner/src/main/kotlin/ftl/run/platform/android/ResolveApks.kt
. The code will determine that it is a SanityRoboTestContext which will then ignore the roboDirective even though it is passed in by the caller.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. java -jar flank.jar firebase test android run --robo-directives=click:$your_resource=,text:$your_resource=$username,text:$your_resource=$password
  2. Set a breakpoint in ResolveApks and observe the type is SanityRoboTestContext
  3. Running with --debug also confirms the robo-directive is not in the http request
Jan 27, 2022 5:40:35 PM com.google.api.client.util.LoggingByteArrayOutputStream close
  "testMatrixId": "foo",
  "testSpecification": {
    "testTimeout": "60s",
    "androidRoboTest": {
      "appApk": {
        "gcsPath": "bar"
      "roboMode": "ROBO_VERSION_2"
    "testSetup": {
      "directoriesToPull": [
  "environmentMatrix": {
    "androidDeviceList": {
      "androidDevices": [
          "androidModelId": "blueline",
          "androidVersionId": "28",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "orientation": "portrait"
  1. The video shows that it is not executing the commands set in the directives

Expected behavior

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Expectation is that Robo Test follows the script passed in

Details (please complete the following information):

Have you tested on the latest Flank snapshot?


Post the output of flank --version.
android ➤ java -jar /Users/changd/dev/flank/test_runner/build/libs/flank.jar --version
version: local_snapshot
revision: 8fb4ca3
session id: b342059b-e68e-4191-94f9-2f442ca76091

Total run duration: 0m 0s

Also tested on the latest release

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.
I can put up a PR with something that fixes it, whether it passes your code review is another question.

@bootstraponline I tested on the master snapshot and the directives are working now.

The roboscript continues to work as before.

Thanks for making a release!