Fish-o / FishyBot

A crappy discord bot with echo and vrml commands

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Invite the bot!

FishyBot website

A crappy discord bot

To run the bot yourself, you will need a .env file in the root of the project with in it:

TOKEN=your discord bot client token
DBPATH=the path to a mongodb database

To make use of all features, also add this:


A basic command example:

// The actual code that returns the response
let command = async(client, args) => {
	return `pong = \`${} ms\``;

// The message command code = (client, message, args) => { 	// The args are formed like this:
	// args = message.content.slice(client.config.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
    // And then args.shift()
    let resp = command(client);;

// The slash command (interaction) code
exports.interaction = async (client, interaction, args){
    let resp = command(client);
    // interaction.send() is different from message.send() in a couple of ways:
    // 1) interaction.send() can only be called once for each interaction
    // 2) i think thats it rn


exports.conf = {
    enabled:  true, 	// Does nothing rn
    guildOnly:  false, 	// Does nothing rn
    interaction: {      // if no name/description entered then it uses the one from help
        options: []
	aliases: [], 		// Alliasses for commands
	perms: [ 		// Permisions users need to use the command
	]	//

const  path = require("path") = {
	category:  __dirname.split(path.sep).pop(), 	// The category name, this returns the 
                                // name of the dir it is in
	name:"ping",            // The default command  name
	description:  "Returns the ping of the bot",
							// Detailed description on what 
							//the command does
	usage:  "!ping"					// Simple guide on how to use 
							//the command

Events are strutured like this:

exports.event = (client, event specific args) =>
	// Code that should be run on the event

exports.conf = {
    event: "event name" //


A crappy discord bot with echo and vrml commands

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 99.6%Language:Python 0.4%