FirebaseExtended / flutterfire_desktop

An early-stage, experimental pure-Dart implementation of Firebase SDKs.

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πŸ› [firebase_auth_desktop] Unable to run `pod install` for macOS example

nilsreichardt opened this issue Β· comments

Bug report

Describe the bug
I'm not able to run pod install for macOS:

[!] Failed to load 'firebase_auth' podspec: 
[!] Invalid `firebase_auth.podspec` file: [!] The FlutterFire plugin firebase_auth for macOS requires a macOS deployment target of 10.12 or later..

 #  from /Users/nils/Desktop/Projects/flutterfire_desktop/packages/firebase_auth/firebase_auth_desktop/example/macos/Flutter/ephemeral/.symlinks/plugins/firebase_auth/macos/firebase_auth.podspec:28
 #  -------------------------------------------
 #      ]
 >      raise Pod::Informative, error_message
 #    end
 #  -------------------------------------------

[!] The FlutterFire plugin firebase_auth for macOS requires a macOS deployment target of 10.12 or later.
    - Update the `platform :osx, '10.11'` line in your macOS/Podfile to version `10.12` and ensure you commit this file.
    - Open your `macos/Runner.xcodeproj` Xcode project and under the 'Runner' target General tab set your Deployment Target to 10.12 or

Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run cd packages/firebase_auth/firebase_auth_desktop/example/
  3. Run flutter run -d macos

Expected behavior

I can run pod install

Sample project

Flutter doctor

Run flutter doctor and paste the output below:

Click To Expand
Flutter 3.0.5 β€’ channel stable β€’
Framework β€’ revision f1875d570e (2 weeks ago) β€’ 2022-07-13 11:24:16 -0700
Engine β€’ revision e85ea0e79c
Tools β€’ Dart 2.17.6 β€’ DevTools 2.12.2

This package only supports Windows and Linux, it's trying to build macos from the original FlutterFire plugins, which requires the deployment target to be higher than 10.12