FirebaseExtended / flutterfire_desktop

An early-stage, experimental pure-Dart implementation of Firebase SDKs.

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πŸ› [FIREBASE_CORE_DESKTOP] Not compatible with firebase messaging

Vinayak006 opened this issue Β· comments

Bug report

firebase_core_desktop not compatible with the firebase_messaging.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add the below to the pubspec.yaml:
    firebase_core_desktop: ^1.0.2
    firebase_messaging: ^14.7.1

Expected behavior

when running flutter pub get there shouldn't be any errors and both should added successfully.

Actual behavior

Resolving dependencies...
Because no versions of firebase_messaging match >14.7.1 <15.0.0 and firebase_messaging 14.7.1 depends on firebase_core_platform_interface ^5.0.0, firebase_messaging ^14.7.1 requires firebase_core_platform_interface ^5.0.0.
And because firebase_core_desktop >=1.0.2 depends on firebase_core_platform_interface ^4.5.0, firebase_messaging ^14.7.1 is incompatible with firebase_core_desktop >=1.0.2.
So, because copper_u_c depends on both firebase_core_desktop ^1.0.2 and firebase_messaging ^14.7.1, version solving failed.
exit code 1

What to do

Need to update the firebase_core_platform_interface package in firebase_core_desktop's pubspec.yaml to the latest version.