FirebaseExtended / angularfire

AngularJS bindings for Firebase

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limitToFirst() does not work with $firebaseArray()

r3wt opened this issue · comments

$scope.featuredListings = $firebaseArray( firebase.database().ref('properties').orderByChild('featured').equalTo(true).limitToFirst(16) );

only 16 items in array
hundreds of items in array

Working for me.

Note that all issues have to follow the issue template provided. I understand this is asking a lot and is generally annoying when you feel your question is straightforward, but just trust that it's critical to keep things streamlined and manageable for our team. I'm closing this for now because it doesn't adhere to these requirements. Feel free to resubmit according to the template, being absolutely sure to include a working, minimal repro of the problem and version info.

Closing since this does not follow the issue template.