FirebaseExtended / angularfire

AngularJS bindings for Firebase

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


steveharan opened this issue · comments

Why is that the bound to variable:

a) gets updated from FB - tick
b) gets updated back to FB when value updated in the code - tick
c) doesn't get updated back to FB after (b)???

     var ref = firebase.database().ref().child($rootScope.ownerId);
                var syncObject = $firebaseObject(ref);
                syncObject.$bindTo($scope, "data");

                $scope.$watch('data.$value', function () {
// works whenever FB value is updated to 'True'
                    if ($$value == "True") {
// works once.  First time, FB value is updated.  When FB is updated back to 'True', we do get here, and this changes - but doesn't update FB
                        $$value = "False";
                        alert('You have a new message ');
                }, true);

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