FilledStacks / firebase-backend

A package that helps with the management and expansion of a maintainable firebase backend

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Add documentation / instructions on how to use

FilledStacks opened this issue · comments

Add a basic walk through of the package:

  • Why it's built
  • How the system works
  • How to use it
  • Full example

@FilledStacks would you want me to scaffold a dumi site for this? or vuepress

@mxttwoods I'd want the readme to have the basic tutorial in it. The idea behind the package, how to use it, etc. I'm going to post my written tutorial below that I wrote for the youtube collab on fireship. Some of that will be helpful to get the idea across. Things will have to be updated as well.

  • Adjusted version of complete written tutorial to remove firebase project setup. We can assume they have a project setup already.

Backend Overview

I'd like to start out by taking you through a high level overview of how the backend will be setup. This overview will go over the types of functions we use as well as the actual code structure.

Types of Functions

The backend is built around the strengths that firebase poses in their serverless cloud functions setup. Focussing on those strengths we can break the system into two types of functions (could also be called a micro-service if you choose to). Reactive and RESTul

  • Reactive: This is a function that will run in reaction to data or state updating on the backend. An example of this will be when a file is uploaded to cloud storage or the most common when a document / entry in the database has been updated.
  • RESTful: This is the function that will run when the user makes an http request to the uri the function is assigned to. Nothing special about these ones.

Code structure

We have an enforced code structure that will help with the organisation of the backend as well as the overall maintenance as it grows. There's 3 major things to go over.

  1. Each function will be in its own dedicated file: This is to get rid of the "natural" tendency, when starting with firebase cloud functions, to keep adding functions into the same index file forcing it to grow bigger as your backend requirements grow. The file name will be the exact name of the endpoint to keep things easy to manage. This is not a requirement but I've found it to be quite helpful.
  2. Functions will be placed in a folder titled either restful or reactive
  3. The backend will be split into different resource groups to ensure a structured backend in production

Code Setup


We'll start off by installing the package dedicated to using this system firebase-backend. Install the package through npm

npm install firebase-backend


Then you can open the index.ts file in your source folder and update it to

import { FunctionParser } from "firebase-backend";

exports = new FunctionParser(__dirname, exports).exports;

These are the two magical lines of code that allows us to dynamically add and export functions as the backend grows without ever changing the index file 🥳. And that's also all we need to set it up. Now we can start creating functions 😎

Creating an Http Endpoint

Lets start with something familiar. Creating a RESTful endpoint on our backend. We'll start by creating a folder (resource group) called users. In this folder we'll create another folder called restful. Then we'll create a new file called addPaymentMethod.endpoint.ts. For any endpoint the file has to end in .endpoint.ts if it doesn't then it won't be loaded as an http endpoint.

Inside that file we'll import Request and Response from express as well as Endpoint and RequestType from firebase-backend. Then we'll construct and export a new endpoint with some made up logic.

import { Request, Response } from 'express';
import { Endpoint, RequestType } from 'firebase-backend';

export default new Endpoint(
  (request: Request, response: Response) => {
    // Read the values out of the body
    const cardNumber = request.body['card_number'];
    const cardHolder = request.body['card_holder']

    // Do your thing with the values
    var paymentToken = `${cardNumber}_${cardHolder}`;

    // Send your response. 201 to indicate the creation of a new resource
    return response.status(201).send({
      token: paymentToken,

As you can see there's not a lot of code required to setup an endpoint. We construct a new endpoint and start off by passing in the name of the endpoint. To make maintenance easier as the code base grows we'll always give this the same name as the file it's in. Then we tell the backend what type of request this will accept, and lastly we handle the actual request and send back our response.

Testing an Endpoint

To test this out we'll run the following command in the functions folder.

npm run serve

This will build the TypeScript code and then serve the functions locally through the emulator. If this is successful you should see the following in the console. You should see the functions API has deployed (locally) a function at the following url


All the endpoints in the users resource group will be deployed under the /user-api function. This means that we can make a post request to the endpoint with the expected data and check if we get back a result. I'm going to use PostMan to test this out. So we'll put in the above url and add /addpaymentmethod at the end of it. Select post as the HTTP request type and then pass in a body.

 "card_number" : "5418754514815181",
 "card_holder" : "FilledStacks"

When we execute this we get back the token in the format we supplied

    "token": "5418754514815181_FilledStacks"

There we have it, your first endpoint created. Next up is reactive functions.

Creating a Reactive Function

To demonstrate this we'll add a function that will fire when a new user is created in the firestore db. Create a new folder in the users folder called reactive. Inside that folder create a new file called onUserCreated.function.ts . The part .function.ts is very important. That's how we know which file to load as a reactive function.

import * as functions from "firebase-functions";

exports.onUserCreated = functions.firestore
    .onCreate((userSnapshot, context) => {
      const data =;
          `User Created | send an email to ${}`

Then we'll run npm run build in the functions folder. And after that we'll run firebase emulators:start. You should now see something like this printed out. You should now have a function deployed at users-onUserCreated as well as at users-api. All the api endpoints go under the one api function, but the reactive functions are added as their own functions. Lets test this out.

Testing out a Reactive Function

At the bottom of your logs you'll see a link to firestore http://localhost:4000/firestore . Open that in your browser. You'll see an empty page. Click on start collection, make the collection id users . Add a field called email and put the value and save the document. When this is saved you should see the logs printing out the following message

i  functions: Beginning execution of "users-onUserCreated"
>  User id created TybqxAwnC4X5DWLgtXOp
>  {"severity":"WARNING","message":"Function returned undefined, expected Promise or value"}
i  functions: Finished "users-onUserCreated" in ~1s
>  User Created | send an email to

And that's it! You've created a reactive function as well as a http endpoint. Going further when you want to expand you backend you simply create a new file in the dedicated folder depending on the function type and it'll be added automatically.

Environment improvement (This can also fit under Code Setup at the top)

The way that the default TypeScript project is setup is not sufficient for consistent deployments and debugging. Because of that we'll add some additional things into our project. We'll start by making sure that old function code don't lurk around when we're testing any new changes. To fix that we'll add a new package into the functions folder called rimraf

npm install -d rimraf

Then we'll add 2 new scripts into the package.json . Above the build script we'll add clean and prebuild.

"scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint --ext .js,.ts .",
		"clean": "rimraf lib/",
    "prebuild": "npm run clean",
    "build": "tsc",
    "serve": "npm run build && firebase emulators:start --only functions",
    "shell": "npm run build && firebase functions:shell",
    "start": "npm run shell",
    "deploy": "firebase deploy --only functions",
    "logs": "firebase functions:log"

This will now clean out your generated code before building the new code.


And finally we can deploy our backend. We first run npm run build when that's compelete we run npm run deploy and that will push all the latest function code to your firebase project.

@mxttwoods we might want to use the new way of defining the enpoints using the extended classes for Post, Update, Delete, Get and Patch

Looks good! Maybe open a PR and mention me and I'll submit a edit or two. @FilledStacks

Updated readme for the latest version