FeteCodeCreatif / creature

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Bug on Paysage Renderer

juliendorra opened this issue · comments

The code doesn't work on http://paysage.herokuapp.com/
It blinks and apparently load, but does not render the creature
Console says :
Uncaught TypeError: $this_1.vel.heading is not a function

Ok, the trouble is:
"heading2D() above is now heading() but leaving old syntax until Processing.js catches up"

And now I also have the same issue with :
Uncaught TypeError: $this_1.vtmp.rotate is not a function

If there is a newer ProcessingJS version, we might consider updating the Paysage Renderer (but will it break old processing examples?)
But it might be simpler to just revert the code back to Processing 2 syntax

updating to the last ProcessingJS version 1.4.16 fixed the issue