FerretDB / dance

FerretDB integration testing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Extend all the examples

b1ron opened this issue · comments


This is to unify all examples and also add more commands for more coverage.


  1. b1ron
  2. b1ron
  3. b1ron

#554 is not merged and actually fails


I have reverted FerretDB/java-example/pull/4.

The result from the dropDatabase command differs depending on whether the database exists or not. MongoDB just returns { "ok" : 1 } regardless. I must have created the test database leading me to create FerretDB/java-example/pull/4 as a "fix".

byron@byron-ThinkCentre-M910q:~/workdir/dance$ mongo --quiet --eval 'db.runCommand({dropDatabase: 1});'
{ "ok" : 1 }
byron@byron-ThinkCentre-M910q:~/workdir/dance$ mongo --quiet --eval 'db.foo.insert({}); db.runCommand({dropDatabase: 1});'
{ "dropped" : "test", "ok" : 1 }