FelixZY / darths-and-droids-reader

A simple reader application for the Darths and Droids webcomic

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Darths and Droids Reader

A simple reader application for the Darths and Droids webcomic.

The application was originally designed for the Microsoft Surface but is compatible with all screen sizes.


  • provides support for touch, mouse and keyboard input
  • allows you to continue where you last left off
  • allows you to jump to specific pages
  • automatically pulls new comics when available
  • automatically resizes to any screen size (tablet and up is recommended)


Comic pages used with permission


Screenshot - Portrait

Portrait is the recommended orientation for tablets. Tapping or clicking on the comic will temporarily show on-screen controls.

The on-screen controls display the current page number (bottom), allow for pagination (left, right) and allow jumps to a specific page (top).

Pro tip: pagination can also be performed using touch swipes or the arrow keys on your keyboard!


Screenshot - Landscape

The reader will automatically resize the comic to fit any screen size. Left over screen area is used to enhance the comic itself.

Getting Started

The project is designed to run with or without electron.

Running with Electron

Use a prebuilt executable or build the project yourself.

Running without Electron

Simply open src/index.html in your browser.

Building with Electron

Run npm i to install dependencies. Please see the scripts section of package.json for available commands to build and run this project with electron.



This project is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.


A simple reader application for the Darths and Droids webcomic



Language:CSS 57.6%Language:JavaScript 35.8%Language:HTML 6.6%