FelixKratz / LungFramework

Framework for the simulation of lungs, or other branched networks

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Developed at Princeton University; please direct any correspondence to Prof. Sujit Datta.

Author: Felix Kratz (felix.kratz@tu-dortmund.de)
Supervisors: Jean-Francois Louf (jlouf@princeton.edu)
                      and Sujit Datta (ssdatta@princeton.edu)

Citation and use

If you use this work in your research department or company and you publish data obtained with this, please cite the following article:

Elastocapillary network model of inhalation -- J.-F. Louf†, F. Kratz†, S. S. Datta*, Physical Review Research (2020). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043382
†=co-first authors, *=corresponding author

  title = {Elastocapillary network model of inhalation},
  author = {Louf, Jean-Fran\ifmmode \mbox{\c{c}}\else \c{c}\fi{}ois and Kratz, Felix and Datta, Sujit S.},
  journal = {Phys. Rev. Research},
  volume = {2},
  issue = {4},
  pages = {043382},
  year = {2020},
  publisher = {American Physical Society},
  doi = {10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043382},

Use of the Framework

The supplied version of the framework also comes with an example for the implementation of specific models. The model used as an example is a simple binary branched lung network with elasto-capillary opening dynamics and Kelvin-Voigt muscle coupling, as described in detail in the paper above.


This code can be compiled using the clang compiler, as it contains Objective-C code, by using the provided Makefile with the following commands:

cd path/to/project/folder

the make command then executes the Makefile and creates the compiled executable in the ./out directory and executes it.

Implementing a new model

First, every model needs branch scale and lung scale variables and parameters. Those parameters can be defined and implemented in the file ./model/model_params.h, as currently shown for the binary tree lung model. Those parameters will then be accessible in the model implementation discussed now.

The framework is grouped into two important categories: branch scale and lung scale behaviour.

First, the branch scale model can be implemented in the ./model/branchScaleModel.h file by modifying the function

inline void timeStep(ExternalParameters* _extern_params,
                     LungParameters* _lung_params,
                     TimeStepParameters* q) override {

to fit the desired model. In the branch scale timeStep function the parameters defined previously are accessible, modifiable and can be used to calculate the branch scale update accordingly. The timeStep function is called for every individual component and can access the surrounding components via its _connections vector, that holds pointers to all the connected components, and thus gives access to their parameters as well, should they be required to calculate the update.

Second, the lung scale model can be implemented in the ./model/lungScaleModel.h file, analogously to the branch scale model, by modifying the function

inline void timeStep(TimeStepParameters* q) override {

where the TimeStepParameters object is also defined in ./model/model_params.h and can hold arbitrary information necessary for the lung scale update.

Note, that the update of the branch scale model is triggered in the update of the lung scale model, either by using the built-in updateBranches(q) member function, or by using a custom update routine.

If the built-in history tracking is used to monitor and save the time steps the triggerHistoryEvent() function needs to be called in the lung scale timeStep function.

Creating a new lung geometry

If a model is employed, a lung geometry can be created, as it is demonstrated in the file model/example.h. To create the geometry simply create a lung object, the one defined in ./model/lungScaleModel.h, as an example the BinaryTreeLung is used:

BinaryTreeLung binaryTreeLung(global_branch_prm, extern_prm);

where global_branch_prm and extern_prm are objects of types GlobalBranchParameters and ExternalParameters defined in ./model/model_params.h that hold the lung scale information needed for the simulation.

Next, a branch can be added to the lung, by calling the addBranch member function of the lung:

binaryTreeLung.addBranch(&branch_prm, connections);

where branch_prm is an object of type BranchParameters that holds all specific informations about the branch (e.g. radius, length, etc.) and connections is a vector of pointers of other branches, to which the branch should be connected:

std::vector<BinaryTreeLungBranch*> connections;

With the provided framework arbitrary lung geometries can be implemented, with arbitrarily complicated connections between them and arbitrarily complex time step updates. The provided example is only a very simple demonstration. In the above paper a drastically bigger lung geometry is explored, still yielding great performance and most important, yielding good agreement with clinic studies.

Performing the simulation

If everything is set up, the simulation can be performed with a simple loop, like it is shown in the example model/example.h

for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
  TimeStepParameters q( ... )

where steps many time steps are performed with TimeStepParameters that can be individual for each time step.

Finally, in the ./main.cpp call the simulation function and use the make command in a command line that has its working directory set to the folder where the main.cpp and the Makefile reside, as it is shown in the Prerequisites section of this document.


Framework for the simulation of lungs, or other branched networks


Language:C++ 98.4%Language:Makefile 1.6%