FelixKratz / CapSol

A capsule shape equation solver with shape fitting capabilities

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Compile the CapSol Python module


  • Required dependencies (brew needs to be installed)
brew install gsl
brew install armadillo
brew install pybind11
  • Compile the code with make. This will put a compiled static object file (.so) in the frontend folder. Every python script using the CapSol module needs to have this object file in its search path (e.g. by residing in the same folder).


  • Install gsl, armadillo and pybind11 with the package manager of choice.
  • Compile the code with make. This will put a compiled static object file (.so) in the frontend folder. Every python script using the CapSol module needs to have this object file in its search path (e.g. by residing in the same folder).

Testing the Python module

If you want to run a functionality test of the module you can simply run make clean && make test. This will run a short check of the most relevant systems and report them in the commandline.

Using the CapSol Python module

Some examples are provided in the frontend folder of this repository as Jupyter Notebooks (interactive python runtime).

Importing the module

The module can be imported into a python script (which has the static object file .so compiled above in its search path) simply by calling:

from CapSol import <module>

where <module> is any of the following available submodules of the package.

Available <module>s

The Laplace module

The Laplace module makes available the numerical solver for the Young-Laplace equation together with the numerical fitting routine for these shape equations:

  • Generating shapes for given parameters p_L, rho and omega (these are exactly $\tilde{p}_L, \Delta\tilde{\rho}$ and $\Omega$ from Chap. 1 of the Dissertation)
laplace = Laplace(p_L, rho, omega)
  • Fitting parameters for a given shape, consisting of an array of non-dimensional x-y shape coordinate pairs (the shape array can be generated from images by using the provided image package detailed above)
laplace = Laplace(shape)

The properties of the resulting laplace object are:

Property Description
laplace.p_L The dimensionless apex pressure
laplace.rho The dimensionless density contrast
laplace.shape An array of shape coordinates
laplace.valid Boolean indicating if the solution is valid

The Hooke module

The Hooke module makes available the numerical solver for the non-linear Hookean shape equations together with the numerical fitting routine for these shape equations:

  • Generating shapes for given parameters p_L, rho, K, nu, tau_s_0 (these are exactly $\tilde{p}L$, $\Delta\tilde{\rho}$, $K{2D} / \gamma$, $\nu_{2D}$ and $\tau_s(s = 0) / \gamma$ from Chap. 1 of the Dissertation)
hooke = Hooke(K, nu, tau_s_0, p_L, rho)
  • Fitting parameters for a given shape and given reference shape parameters p_L and rho (to be obtained e.g. by the Laplace module)
hooke = Hooke(shape, p_L, rho)

The properties of the resulting hooke object are:

Property Description
hooke.p_L The dimensionless apex pressure of the reference shape
hooke.p_a The dimensionless apex pressure of the deformed shape
hooke.rho The dimensionless density contrast
hooke.K The dimensionless two dimensional compression modulus
hooke.nu The dimensionless two dimensional Poisson's ratio
hooke.tau_s_0 The dimensionless apex stress
hooke.tau_s An array of dimensionless meridional stresses along the shape
hooke.tau_phi An array of dimensionless circumferential stresses along the shape
hooke.lambda_s An array of meridional stretches along the shape
hooke.lambda_phi An array of circumferential stretches along the shape
hooke.shape An array of shape coordinates of the deformed shape
hooke.valid Boolean indicating if the solution is valid

The Kelvin module

The Kelvin module makes available the numerical solver for the viscoelastic Kelvin-Voigt shape equations together with the numerical fitting routine for these shape equations:

  • Generating shapes for given parameters p_L, rho, K, nu, eta, apexStresses, periods (these are exactly $\tilde{p}L$, $\Delta\tilde{\rho}$, $K{2D} / \gamma$, $\nu_{2D}$ and $\eta_{2D} \omega / \gamma$ together with an array of dimensionless apex stresses and the number of oscillation periods (see Chap. 1 of the Dissertation))
kelvin = Kelvin(apexStresses, K, nu, eta, p_L, rho, periods)
  • Fitting parameters for a given shapes (array of shape used above), given reference shape parameters p_L and rho (to be obtained e.g. by the Laplace module), and given number of oscillation periods
kelvin = Kelvin(shapes, p_L, rho)

The properties of the resulting kelvin object are:

Property Description
kelvin.p_L The dimensionless apex pressure of the reference shape
kelvin.rho The dimensionless density contrast
kelvin.K The dimensionless two dimensional compression modulus
kelvin.nu The dimensionless two dimensional Poisson's ratio
kelvin.eta The dimensionless viscosity
kelvin.apexStresses An array of the non-dimensional apex stresses of the deformed shapes
kelvin.shapes An array of shape coordinates of the deformed shape
kelvin.valid Boolean indicating if the solution is valid

The Contact module

The Contact module makes available the numerical solver for the contact problem discussed in Chap. 4 of the Dissertation

  • Generating shapes for given parameters p_L_u, rho_u, p_L_d, rho_d, K_u, nu_u, tau_s_0_u, K_d, nu_d, tau_s_0_d, contact_length, tension_ratio, tension_inner_u, tension_inner_d, tension_ud (these are exactly $\tilde{p}L^u$, $\Delta\tilde{\rho}^u$, $\tilde{p}L^d$, $\Delta\tilde{\rho}^d$, $K{2D}^u / \gamma^u$ , $\nu{2D}^u$, $\tau_s^u(s = 0) / \gamma^u$, $K_{2D}^d / \gamma^u$ , $\nu_{2D}^d$, $\tau_s^d(s = 0) / \gamma^u$, l, $\Gamma$, $\gamma^u_i / \gamma^u$, $\gamma^d_i / \gamma^u$ and $\gamma^{ud} / \gamma^u$, see Chap. 4 of the Dissertation)
contact = Contact(p_L_u, rho_u, p_L_d, rho_d,
                  nu_u, K_u, tau_s_0_u,
                  nu_d, K_d, tau_s_0_d,
                  contact_length, tension_ratio,
                  tension_inner_u, tension_inner_d,

The properties of the resulting contact object are:

Property Description
contact.p_a_u The dimensionless apex pressure of the upper deformed shape
contact.p_a_d The dimensionless apex pressure of the lower deformed shape
contact.tau_s_u An array of dimensionless meridional stresses along the upper shape
contact.tau_s_d An array of dimensionless meridional stresses along the lower shape
contact.tau_s_u An array of dimensionless circumferential stresses along the upper shape
contact.tau_s_d An array of dimensionless circumferential stresses along the lower shape
contact.lambda_s_u An array of meridional stretches along the upper shape
contact.lambda_s_d An array of meridional stretches along the lower shape
contact.lambda_phi_u An array of circumferential stretches along the upper shape
contact.lambda_phi_d An array of circumferential stretches along the lower shape
contact.r_u An array of radial shape coordinates of the upper deformed shape
contact.r_d An array of radial shape coordinates of the lower deformed shape
contact.z_u An array of height shape coordinates of the upper deformed shape
contact.z_d An array of height shape coordinates of the lower deformed shape
contact.f The dimensionless contact force
contact.valid Boolean indicating if the solution is valid

Helper module for image processing

If you want to process images into a shape representation you can use the provided image processing routine contained in the frontend folder like so:

from image import loadImage, loadImages, Mask

Then you will be able to load an image with a given file path like this:

mask = Mask(100, 100, 0, 100)
shape = loadImage(path, flip=True, mask=mask, verbose=True)

where you can mask the image with the provided Mask class to exclude certain regions of the image. You can flip the image with the flip property (to be used when experimenting in a rising geometry) and show the loaded, masked and preprocessed image with verbose=True (see for example frontend/LaplaceFit.ipynb).

To load an array of images in parallel from an array of file paths you can use:

shapes = loadImages(paths, flip=True, mask=mask)


A capsule shape equation solver with shape fitting capabilities


Language:Jupyter Notebook 52.7%Language:C++ 42.4%Language:Python 4.3%Language:Makefile 0.5%