FeiyouG / commander.nvim

Create and manage keybindings and commands in a more organized manner, and search them quickly through Telescope

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Set telescope width

mil-ad opened this issue · comments

Is there a way to set the telescope width when using commander? I have the following in my telescope setup() but it doesn't seem to be picked up by commander and instead it's set to minimum required

  defaults = {
    layout_config = {
      horizontal = { height = 0.65, width=0.9 }

Hi @mil-ad, you need to specify which theme to use in Commander's config: https://github.com/FeiyouG/commander.nvim#telescopenvim

You can pass in exact same theme you are using for telescope.

Thanks @FeiyouG! I tried a couple of combinations but didn't manage to get it to work:

  • theme = require("telescope.themes").get_ivy
  • theme = require("telescope.themes").get_ivy()
  • theme = require("telescope.themes").get_ivy({})
  • theme = require("telescope.themes").ivy

@FeiyouG I believe this is broken. I have tried specifying the theme but commander width is still determined by the length of items passed.