FeiyouG / commander.nvim

Create and manage keybindings and commands in a more organized manner, and search them quickly through Telescope

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I don't think this plugin is needed

yimingwangdell opened this issue · comments

we should write keymaps, or using : in vim, if taking a step back, we still have Telescope Commands to search commands, I don't think add another menu is meaningful.

I like the idea of this plugin as it allows me to:

  1. search among the keymaps and commands
  2. search by description in case forgetting the command name

Just like vscode's command pane, but with customizable description.

we should write keymaps, or using : in vim, if taking a step back, we still have Telescope Commands to search commands, I don't think add another menu is meaningful.

: can't fuzzy search, plus if you forget which command to use, you have to look up :help or the doc of the plug-in.

And if you really don't like this plugin, then you don't have to use it. It's just that simple :)