FeiyouG / commander.nvim

Create and manage keybindings and commands in a more organized manner, and search them quickly through Telescope

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[question] how to use themes?

kagbodji opened this issue · comments

Hi there, thanks for this amazing plugin. I would like to understand how to use themes. The config in the readme states one can use the command_center theme or any telescope or custom theme, but I don't understand where themes in theme = themes..command_center comes from. I also tried using a Telescope default theme, but because I lazy-load telescope, it becomes an chicken-or-egg problem where telescope is not yet loaded before I can require("telescope.themes") (at least that's my understanding of the error I'm getting, I'm still relatively new to lua/telescope).

Can you please help shed some like on what I might possibly be doing wrong here? Thanks!

Sorry for the confusion, I probably should make it clearer in README.

You are correct though, you can get the theme from require("telescope.themes").command_center. However, since this is the default theme for command_center, you don't need to specify it unless you want to switch to a different theme. If it causes problem with lazy loading, just don't set the fieldtheme when you call setup or set it to nil.

I hope this hleps.