FeiyouG / commander.nvim

Create and manage keybindings and commands in a more organized manner, and search them quickly through Telescope

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[Bug] Plugin broken after last update

pidgeon777 opened this issue · comments

The following error is generated at Neovim startup after updating the plugin:

packer.nvim: Error running config for command-center.nvim: ...er\start\command-center.nvim/lua/command_center/init.lua:37: attempt to index local 'opts' (a number value)

Packer Config:

    config = function()
    requires = "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim",

Facing the same exact problem.

packer.nvim: Error running config for command-center.nvim: ...cker/opt/command-center.nvim/lua/command_center/init.lua:37: attempt to index local 'opts' (a number value)

I just pushed a new commit e61162c. Please let me know whether this fixes the problem.

Hello @FeiyouG , that fixes the original problem.
However, now the floating window appears too small:

Other telescope prompts do not have this problem:


I don't have this problem at my end. Can you share a minimal config that can reproduce this bug?

@FeiyouG Fixed! 🚀

@danielo515 I don't have your floating window issue.

Here you have it @FeiyouG
You may need to clone it with git submodules or just remove the deeply nested packer folder and clone packer into it

@danielo515 From what you've shared with me, I don't see you added any commands into command_center. The floating window is too narrow because there was nothing to be displayed.

I have the same issue as @danielo515 has.
I have copied all your example from command_center.add and even removed , command_center.mode.REGISTER_ONLY from:

    desc = "Open command_center",
    cmd = "<CMD>Telescope command_center<CR>",
    keys = {
      {"n", "<Leader>fc", noremap},
      {"v", "<Leader>fc", noremap}

And I also have narrow palette:
And the commands are definitively there because I can scroll through them ;)

I found the root cause and fixed it in 125b923. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, @XobSod and @danielo515.

Thank you for all the effort and quickfixes put into this!!!!
I'll try it tomorrow. Many thanks!

Ok, I couldn't wait and just updated. The problem is totally fixed for me. Many thanks!