FedericoPonzi / genereto

A static site generator for blogs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Verify broken links

FedericoPonzi opened this issue · comments

an idea for later - right now genereto is handling all internal links.

For external links:
in a genereto-project folder, create a csv file (or some file db) and keep a table of:


which can be included in the CVS. Then, any time the output is created, genereto should check for new links and visit websites there were not visited in the last n days/weeks/months (configurable) and fail in case a new website is reported offline.

If the user sets ignore to true, genereto will ignore it. This option could be behind a cli flag.

Another possible check: missing links body.
I've found a link like this:
that ended up empty in the output page.
the idea is to find these occurrences and print a warning at least.