Fault-lang / Fault

a language for building system dynamic models

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Rename "Parameter Call" to something that makes sense

mbellotti opened this issue · comments

File this under: I don't know why I did this 🤣

Structs (Stocks, Flows, and Components) are basically like objects:

def foo = flow{
		buzz: new bar,
		fizz: func{
			if buzz.a > 2{
				buzz.a -> b;
				buzz.a = 10;
			buzz.b -> 1;

def bar = stock{
			a: 10,
			b: 20,

Each has a set of features that are kind of like properties or methods. These features can be accessed via the following construction buzz.a in the parser this construction is called a ParameterCall ... which is a stupid name that doesn't really communicate what it is. These features ARE treated as parameters when represented in LLVM IR, but it's still a pretty confusing name.

A Fault spec works is by connecting Stocks and Flows together to represent resource use in a system (see Thinking In Systems for more about this style of modeling) Struct properties can be static values, instances of connecting structs, or functions. When referenced with the construction [structName].[property] if the feature is a function, Fault will execute the function.

Assuming we can come up with a more sensible name this is basically a find and replace job after that, with the guiding hand of unit tests to help 🤣

Just needs a name for this to be ready to start? What about StructProp or StructProperty?


I was thinking of just renaming them to Call or something :/ StructProperty would work but I used that already in the AST for something else that's typically over-engineered as well.