FastSpring / fastspring-api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

subscription cancel api (un-cancel option)

morrow95 opened this issue · comments

Currently you can only cancel a subscription for the next period. It might be useful to also offer an un-cancel option similar to that in the Fastspring account.

For example, I will be offering my users the ability to cancel their subscription from my website/their online account. If they change their mind though, they need to contact us to manually 'un-cancel' it. With both options, they could change their mind if need be. I would assume this would only need to check 'NextPeriodEndDate' and 'EndDate' to determine if the change is possible... if not, it would just fail, but if it failed the account would be deactivated already anyways.

Scratch that - you can accomplish the same thing by updating the subscription and removing the end date.