Fanghua-Yu / SUPIR

SUPIR aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Photo-Realistic Image Restoration In the Wild

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Licensing - The statement in your Readme is useless.

d8ahazard opened this issue · comments

So, I see this every now and again on Github, and I really want to (hopefully) help clarify something.

This project was released under the MIT license. It says so right here:

And so...regardless of the "non-commercial" statement in the readme and the all actuality, according to the MIT license, this project can 100% be used commercially, by anybody, at any time.

Not trying to be a jerk, but adding the statement to the license has about as much effect as posting something on Facebook saying that "Under the geneva convention, no federal or government agency shall access any content on my Facebook page.". That The license, IMHO, is the holy grail. If you didn't want it used commercially, then it shouldn't have been released under the MIT license.

End of discussion. Not trying to be disrespectful, but the bit in the readme is 100% pointless other than to confuse people who may not know better.

As such, I'd humbly suggest just removing it. Pandora's box has been opened...there's literally nothing that can be done about it now short of ceasing all development on this project, binning it, releasing a new one under the correct license, and hoping the internet stops working so nobody can ever get the original project or models ever again.

Or, just update the readme...

Please refer to this issue

@d8ahazard the dude made a mistake . lets forget about it and respect his decision , I really was gonna add this to our project but license changed , it sucks really , unless he changes that on his own and let us expand on his work . there is nothing we can do until someone else comes with a better or similar project that is MIT .