FallingSnow / node-red-contrib-mfrc522-rfid

a node-red node for using a RC522 NFC card reader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Node-Red node that allows you to read NFC tags with an RC522 card reader. Tested the node on a Raspberry Pi.

This is a fork of: https://github.com/LennartHennigs/node-red-contrib-rc522

I needed to be able to configure the Chip Select (SDA) pin and to read a block of data, so I have added these options ;)

You need to connect to RC522 card reader to the following pins:

SDA(CS)	24 (BCM 8) (default, can be configured)
SCK	23 (BCM 11)
MOSI	19 (BCM 10)
MISO	21 (BCM 9)
GND	20 
RST	22 (BCM 25)
VCC	17 (3v3 PWR)

See pinout.xyz to identify the proper pins.

The node ist based on the mfrc522-rpi node package.


a node-red node for using a RC522 NFC card reader


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