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toJSON does not escape control characters

arnecs opened this issue · comments

toJSON does not escape control characters and allows for JSON injection.

WITH "\\" as backslash, "\"" as quote
RETURN backslash, toJSON(backslash), quote, toJSON(quote)
1) 1) "backslash"
   2) "toJSON(backslash)"
   3) "quote"
   4) "toJSON(quote)"
2) 1) 1) "\"
      2) ""\""
      3) """
      4) """""

Expected result would escape the backslash and quote characters

2) 1) 1) "\"
      2) ""\\""
      3) """
      4) ""\"""

To address this bug, we need to modify the toJSON function to properly escape control characters such as backslashes and quotes. Here's how I can fix it:

function toJSON(value) {
    // Check if the value is a string
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
        // Escape backslashes and quotes in the string
        return value.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/"/g, '\\"');
    // For non-string values, return them as is
    return value;

// toJSON function

This updated toJSON function will escape backslashes and quotes in the input string, ensuring that they are properly escaped in the JSON output.

Running the test cases:


The output should now match the expected result:
