FakerPHP / Faker

Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you

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Issue when try to use the create() function in the class_exists, throws an error when the documentation says the the function should not returns error just bool value.

SystemBack opened this issue · comments


I am having an issue when I try to use Faker::create() in a Seeder with Phinx and PHPUnit in a docker container the error occurs in this line the error is the next:

unit-test-cli-1  | PHPUnit 10.5.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
unit-test-cli-1  |
unit-test-cli-1  | Runtime:       PHP 8.2.15
unit-test-cli-1  | Configuration: /tests/phpunit.xml
unit-test-cli-1  |
unit-test-cli-1  |
unit-test-cli-1  |
unit-test-cli-1  |
unit-test-cli-1  | Testing: AhmTest
unit-test-cli-1  |
unit-test-cli-1  | E                                                                   1 / 1 (100%)
unit-test-cli-1  |
unit-test-cli-1  | Time: 00:00.303, Memory: 16.00 MB
unit-test-cli-1  |
unit-test-cli-1  | There was 1 error:
unit-test-cli-1  |
unit-test-cli-1  | 1) SomeTest::testInfo
unit-test-cli-1  | ParseError: syntax error, unexpected namespaced name "Faker\Provider\en_US\Barcode", expecting identifier
unit-test-cli-1  |
unit-test-cli-1  | /var/www/webdcs/vendor/fakerphp/faker/src/Faker/Factory.php:65
unit-test-cli-1  | /var/www/webdcs/vendor/fakerphp/faker/src/Faker/Factory.php:38
unit-test-cli-1  | /var/www/webdcs/vendor/fakerphp/faker/src/Faker/Factory.php:23
unit-test-cli-1  | /var/www/webdcs/db/seeds/SomeSeeder.php:38
unit-test-cli-1  | /var/www/webdcs/vendor/robmorgan/phinx/src/Phinx/Migration/Manager/Environment.php:147
unit-test-cli-1  | /var/www/webdcs/vendor/robmorgan/phinx/src/Phinx/Migration/Manager.php:421
unit-test-cli-1  | /var/www/webdcs/vendor/robmorgan/phinx/src/Phinx/Migration/Manager.php:619
unit-test-cli-1  | /tests/unit/includes/SomeTest.php:175
unit-test-cli-1  |
unit-test-cli-1  | ERRORS!
unit-test-cli-1  | Tests: 1, Assertions: 0, Errors: 1, Warnings: 2, Deprecations: 1.


PHP 8.2.15
fakerphp/faker ^1.23
PPHPUnit 10.5.5
robmorgan/phinx ^0.16.0

Self-enclosed code snippet for reproduction

# replace this with a self-enclosed usage example

Expected output

Create a new faker but instead of that the library throws an error in a core function.

Actual output

I put the output in the summary

I think that is so strange error but we can manage this situation in different ways some that I suggest is to put the logic inside of a try/catch, since this error from POV is not part of the library, like this example.

    protected static function findProviderClassname($provider, $locale = '')
        $providerClass = 'Faker\\' . ($locale ? sprintf('Provider\%s\%s', $locale, $provider) : sprintf('Provider\%s', $provider));

        try {
          if (class_exists($providerClass, true)) {
              return $providerClass;
        } catch(\Exception $e) {
          return null;

        return null;

No idea about phinx but is there are reproduction step? How is the lib autoloaded etc?